During communion, we process to the front of the worship space, where we receive bread and wine while remembering the life of Jesus.
As we move to the front, an usher gives us a small glass. At the front, the Pastor and assistant gives each of us a piece of bread and pours wine into our glass from a chalice with a pouring lip. (There are gluten-free and non-alcoholic wine options available).
Right now we are in the process of calling a new pastor. During this time of “pastoral vacancy,” we celebrate communion when we have a guest pastor, usually twice a month.
Lutheran Christians believe that the “real presence” of Christ is received “in, with, and under” the host elements of bread (or gluten-free wafers) and wine (or grape juice). We believe that the real presence of Christ is also received fully in each element, and thus, those who can receive only one or the other of the elements fully receive Christ in the meal. Whether it is a crumb, chunk, or loaf of bread; whether it is a wafer or cracker; whether it is wine or grape juice: in this Holy Meal, we receive Christ’s holy presence with us, and we are changed.
God forgives us
In Lutheran Christianity, we believe that God forgives us directly each and every time that we “repent” (turn and seek forgiveness from God). In the meal around Christ’s table, this forgiveness is declared to us and by receiving the host elements, we are given what we need to face the challenges of our lives again.